Nathan Colmer | The Van Dyk Group
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Frequently asked questions about Long Beach Island New Jersey and LBI NJ area information. Read about the LBI NJ real estate market, current events and other fun facts about Long Beach Island New Jersey.
LBI is a great place to visit, but life at the beach is different, which always generates some questions! Here you can find some answers to Long Beach Island FAQ!
Does LBI flood?
LBI is a barrier island, and it is prone to flooding; however, flooding is not a common occurrence. Certain areas of LBI are more prone to flooding due to their natural topography and lower elevation, and others are not as prone to flood due to being on higher and more solid ground.
How bad was Hurricane Sandy?
Hurricane Sandy caused significant damage to Long Beach Island; however, much of the damage was repaired in time for summer. Some areas, such as Barnegat Light and Surf City, came through the storm with minor damage, whereas other areas, such as Holgate, were harder hit.
What’s the difference between the north end and the south end of LBI?
LBI has two very distinct areas-The North end (Barnegat Light-Surf City) and the south end (Ship Bottom-Holgate). The general difference is that the north end of LBI tends to be lower density and not as commercially developed, whereas the south end of LBI has more stores, restaurants, and amusements. Lot sizes tend to be larger and more expensive on the north end of LBI than in the south.
What’s with all the different names?
LBI is broken into six separate municipalities (from north to south) Barnegat Light, Long Beach Township, Harvey Cedars, Surf City, Ship Bottom, and Beach Haven. Long Beach Island is the largest, measuring 12 of the 18 miles of the developed areas. Long Beach Township is further divided into smaller sections: Loveladies, North Beach, Brant Beach, Beach Haven Crest, Brighton Beach, Peahala Park, Beach Haven Park, Haven Beach, The Dunes, Beach Haven Terrace, Beach Haven Gardens, Spray Beach, North Beach Haven, and Holgate!
Do people live on LBI all year?
Yes! The summer population of LBI is roughly 150,000-200,000 people at any given point, whereas the winter population is around 8,000-10,000! Some of the year-rounders have started home watch services for the owners who do not live on LBI all year. I live on LBI year-round, and I love it!
Does every house on Long Beach Island need to be raised?
No, not all homes have to be raised, and in fact, the vast majority of dwellings DO NOT need to be raised. Flood insurance is based on the elevation of a home, and most homes on LBI are already at or above the new base flood elevation.