Nathan Colmer | The Van Dyk Group
C: 609.290.4293 | O: 609.492.1511
Information about North Beach NJ real estate, LBI NJ real estate and Long Beach Island New Jersey. Search single family homes and vacant land for sale in North Beach on Long Beach Island New Jersey and learn about current trends in the LBI real estate market.
North Beach New Jersey has an average sales price of around $1,200,000 and prices out at about $550/ sq. foot. North Beach offers mainly newer homes and therefore lacks many of the Cape Cod style homes seen elsewhere on LBI and the Long Beach Island real estate market.
North Beach is a section of Long Beach Township on LBI NJ located between Harvey Cedars to the north and Surf City to the south. Much like Loveladies, North Beach is comprised of numbered land tracts rather than named streets. Many of these lanes have private beach access with use limited to only the owners of the tract with deeded access. The area is generally residential but the close proximity to Surf City makes it easy to find stores and restaurants. Since this area is a part of Long Beach Township on LBI, a Long Beach Township beach badge will grant use of the beaches. North Beach NJ Real Estate on Long Beach Island New Jersey can make a great investment property or a second home!
Many homes in North Beach NJ were developed in the 1970’s and 1980’s. There are many new homes built on large tracts of land. Lots tend to be large in North Beach with many being 100x100 which allows for substantial new construction. If you are considering buying North Beach real estate on LBI NJ, it is important to keep in mind the following:
Beach Access: Not all homes have deeded ocean or bay access. Therefore, if you are looking at buying North Beach real estate, it is important to make sure the house has either deeded access or is very close to a public access point.
Lot Size: While many homes are on 100x100 lots, not all of the lot can be developed. North Beach NJ has private tracts instead of streets due to easements taken from the owners property. Usually these easements are around 20 feet wide so the actually usable lot size will be closer to 80x100 if the property is advertised to be a 100x100 lot.
New Homes vs. Old Homes in the North Beach Real Estate Market: Since there are many homes built in the 1970’s and 1980’s, it can be a smart investment to renovate a home rather than build new. This can save you substantial costs and you would still end up with a great property!
North Beach suffered major damage from Hurricane Sandy due partly to the makeup of the shoreline. Harvey Cedars (to the north) and Surf City (to the south) both had undergone beach replenishment which left North Beach at risk. Therefore, many homes and some infrastructure suffered damage. Luckily, the damage was (for the most part) easily repaired and today the area is looking great!
North Beach NJ Real Estate on Long Beach Island New Jersey offers some interesting opportunities for both buyers and sellers. One can take advantage of the private feel of the area while enjoying a lower price point than Loveladies. The lot sizes and proximity to Surf City and the main causeway to the mainland make North Beach on Long Beach Island New Jersey an appealing area to live!
The North Beach NJ real estate market offers those considering buying North Beach NJ real estate options! If you are considering buying in the LBI real estate market, please contact me and I will be happy to discuss the area and the local real estate market with you. You can search Long Beach Island real estate or contact me anytime.
North Beach Real Estate Sales in 2018
North Beach Real Estate Sales in 2017
North Beach Real Estate Sales in 2016
North Beach Real Estate Fourth Quarter Sales in 2015
North Beach Real Estate Third Quarter Sales in 2015
North Beach Real Estate Second Quarter Sales in 2015
North Beach 2015 First Quarter Real Estate Sales
North Beach Real Estate 2014 4th Quarter Update
North Beach Real Estate Sales in the Second Quarter of 2014
North Beach Real Estate Sales in the First Quarter of 2014
North Beach Real Estate Market Sales in the Third Quarter of 2013
North Beach Real Estate Market Sales in the Second Quarter of 2013
North Beach Real Estate First Quarter Sales in 2013